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Hi, I'm Bridget. Welcome to my Library. I share book reviews and recommendations.

Friday, August 31, 2012

A beautiful distraction

I have been very distracted lately.  I have not posted in a while.  Work is very busy, but that is not the real reason. 

Here is the reason-

My grandson arrived on August 5.  His name is Ryder and he is completely awesome.  I come home from work and spend a few hours with him every day.  It is really great.  Grand parenting is the best.  I get to snuggle, cuddle, coo, and sing.  I feed and burp him.  But when he is fussy or poopy, I call his mommy….LOL!

SO, that it where I have been.  Worth it???? Yuppers....totally worth it!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

When it is not funny and never will be funny…..EVER

A few minutes ago, there was a post on my Facebook wall with a picture of Larry the cable guy and the following quote.

 Larry The Cable Guy On Cajuns...
"Even after the recent Super Bowl victory of the New Orleans Saints, I have noticed a large number of people implying with bad jokes that Cajuns aren't smart.  I would like to state for the record that I disagree with that assessment.  Anybody that would build a city 5 feet below sea level in a hurricane zone and fill it with Democrats is a damn genius."
I cannot verify that this is real, but I found it posted all over the place.

A little background.  3-months before hurricane Katrina, my husband and I went to New Orleans for a week.  He was at a convention, so he saw very little of the city.  I spent all day exploring.  It was fantastic.  I walked all over and I rode the trollies.  That trip is in my top five.  Three months later, disaster struck.  It was one of the most painful things to watch but added to the horror was the faces of so many people burned in my brain from my time in the city. 

I am not going to go into all the details.  There are many.  I will share two.  I caught a glimpse of my favorite trolley conductor guarding his wife and daughter in the dome.  He was easy to spot.  Tall, built, gorgeous, funny, bald, black man.  The look on his face haunts me.  The second, I will always wonder if the sweet little old lady I met on the trolley got out.  I rode with her several times.  She was easily 80-years old.  She rode the trolley every other day to get her groceries.

At least 1,836 people lost their lives.  There is NOTHING funny about that.

A few days ago, Dane Cook made a joke about the Aurora, Colorado shooting
12-people died, almost 60 injured.  Every single person in that theater is damaged, possibly forever. There is NOTHING funny about that.

A few weeks ago, a “comedian” named Daniel Tosh made a joke about rape and harassed a woman when she said it was not funny. 

I can personally attest that there is NOTHING funny about that.
I left a message for the person who posted the Larry thing.  I told her I didn’t think it was funny, and then I deleted her.  I didn’t know her.  I probably added her because she played some game I was into.  I left a status update for everyone else.  I see this crap on my wall, and I don’t care who you are, you are gone. 

Everybody has had that moment where something comes out of your mouth that makes you desperately wish life had a rewind button.  I have had my share of those moments.  Humans make mistakes.  But there are lines you never cross.  Some things are not funny.  Some things will never be funny.  Death, pain, and suffering….NOT funny!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

I am inspired to be a fan of women's weightlifting

I was reading this article about someone on Twitter insulting an 18-year old British Olympic weightlifter named Zoe Smith. The article calls “infidel1978” (yea, I know, kind of says it all right there huh?) a Twitter bully. I’m not sure I’d call this situation bullying, but it is rude and insulting.

First of all, let’s take a look see at Zoe.

Here is what the twerp said –
"I wouldn't even look at you. I'd think you was a bloke and so would 9 out of 10 lads.”

My very first thought is that this “person” is awfully lucky that the Internet is “anonymous” because I’m thinking Zoe could handle herself in an altercation.

ANYWAY, I love Zoe’s response –

"Your futile attempts at insulting us have brought me many giggles! It makes me laugh that you think we'd give a toss what a closed-minded, clearly weak fool like yourself who can't handle a bit of muscle thinks anyway!"

LOVE it.

Proving that his screen name is not the only thing that’s dumb, he responded with –

"In other words your insecurities are kicking in lol. Now piss off back to the kitchen and make your boyfriend a sandwich he's hungry."

Would someone please explain to me why guys follow up appearance insults with kitchen insults? I don’t get that at all.

"Meh, not particularly. I just find it funny to argue with idiots on the internet. What a very original comeback, you are a credit to men everywhere. I bet all those feminine women you speak of are queuing round the block for a chance with you!"

LOVE it.

The article says that Zoe changed her Twitter handle and that twerp’s account has been deleted. Of course, he is out there again under some other snappy handle, perhaps infidel1979?

Zoe wrote about it on her personal blog. I tried to find it to link to it, but I could not locate it. What she says is so great. It is the perfect response to small minded jerks,

"We don't lift weights in order to look hot, especially for the likes of men like that," Smith wrote. "What makes them think that we even want them to find us attractive? If you do, thanks very much, we're flattered. But if you don't, why do you really need to voice this opinion in the first place?

"Shall we stop weightlifting, amend our diet in order to completely get rid of our 'manly' muscles, and become housewives in the sheer hope that one day you will look more favorably upon us and we might actually have a shot with you?

"This may be shocking to you, but we actually would rather be attractive to people who aren't closed-minded and ignorant. Crazy, eh?! We, as any woman with an ounce of self-confidence would, prefer our men to be confident enough in themselves to not feel emasculated by the fact that we aren't weak and feeble."
I adore this young lady and I am going to be rooting for to win the gold.

The only thing that infidel1978 has a chance at winning is the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What's wrong with us?

Everywhere you turn, someone is asking what is wrong with our society. Typically, the asker has the answer and really just wants the askee to listen and agree. (Up until now, askee was not a word. However, I like it, I said it aloud, I used it in a sentence, and I asked others what they thought it meant. They all got it right. Therefore, it is a word now. Please, feel free to use it!)

Everyone who has an opinion regarding what is wrong with society (so, basically everyone) also has somewhere to lay the blame. Republicans blame the Democrats. Protestants blame the Catholics. Parents blame THESE KIDS TODAY!! Dogs blame the Cats. And, throughout time someone somewhere has blamed it all on the Jews.

I don’t think that there is any one group of people or one belief system to blame. I think that there are many many problems in our world today and I don’t know what the solutions are.

I can tell you that I believe that there is one thing, one very big thing, which is destroying our society piece by piece every day. It is something that is so prevalent no one thinks twice about it. Everyone has participated in it, including me. However, it is easy to fix.

I am speaking of judging. The actual definition of judging is –

Judging present participle of judge (Verb)

Form an opinion or conclusion about.

Decide (a case) in a court of law

That does not sound too bad. We all have opinions. Forming a conclusion is not scary. Basically, I read an article through the eyes of my own life experiences, I measure it with my personal opinions, and I form a conclusion. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, right?

Well, never underestimate human being’s ability to take something and muck it up beyond recognition. Modern men and women have taken judging to an entirely different level. To be fair, some of the blame needs to rest squarely on the shoulders of the person who thought a comment section on every article appearing on the Internet was a good idea.

Today’s definition of Judging should read –

Judging present participle of judge (Verb)

Also Judgy or Judginess

To present your opinion as fact and to conclude that all other opinions are wrong and stupid. Further, conclude that those individuals holding opposite opinions are equally wrong and stupid. AND possibly evil.

Decide (a case) in a court of law

One need only look as far as last weeks stories about Marissa Mayer to see Judging in all its vicious glory. You can read more about it here and here. I also encourage you to read a wonderful blog by the fabulous Cecily Kellogg with her opinion about judging.

I think that if we want to start true change in our society we need to start with the Judging epidemic. Before you post a comment or start a rant, run it through this little test. If the following words or a variation thereof, appears, you are guilty of modern day judging.

  • You are out of your mind
  • What an idiot
  • You are an idiot
  • I’ve never read anything so idiotic in my life
  • You are so dumb you should die
If however, you want to post your personal experience as Cecily did, post away. Comment to your hearts content. Have respect. Honor the choices of other’s. If we all commit to this and we all follow through can you imagine the change? There would be a ripple effect through out all society. Life would be boring if we all agreed. So, unless you are an actual judge who has to judge for a living, get over yourself, and open your mind. Live and let live.

Remember when we were kids and Smokey, Woody, and McGruff taught us that one person could make a difference? Well…..I think we need an anti-judge character to help us with an STOP Judginess Campaign. (See paragraph one for a reminder of my criteria for creating a word.)

I chose this –

 I love this guy. But, we need a kick-butt catchy saying. Smokey, Woody, and McGruff all have awesome sayings. SO, help me out here people…..give me some ideas.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Update on Never Seconds blog

Back in June, I wrote my first blog post. OK, well that is not true. Back in June of 2010, I wrote my first blog post. Then in July of 2010, I helped advertise a raw food cookbook give away. Then I did not post again until June of this year. I have issues in not sticking with something once I start! In my third (but we are calling it the first) post, I talked about the inspiration gifted to me by a 9-year old Scottish blogger.

I thought I would give an update on where things stand. Veg is on summer holidays. She is having one school per week guest blog about what they are eating for lunch. Last week, it was a 9-year old girl from Wales. This week it is two kids from Herefordshire. They have not said if they are girls, boys, or their ages. I am excited to read the posts this week as this school eats vegetarian. I am looking forward to seeing what they eat all week!!!

The most exciting news is that Veg has garnered 7019 donations totaling £111,264.06 for a whopping 1589% over her original goal. All of this money is going to Mary's Meals. Remember .93 cents of every $1 you give to this organization goes directly to the kids. In October, Veg and her family are traveling to visit the kitchen her donations built and the kids who eat there.

It still blows my mind what this little girl accomplished in such a short time. SO, there is the update.  If you have the desire to share in this amazing journey please consider giving.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

This is not a real post, it is a bitch only

I am watching Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince on ABC Family.  I think that this is the worst adaptation of the entire series.  If you are going to adapt a book into a movie should you not at least try to get as close as possible.  I know, I know the book is always better.  This is not even CLOSE. It irks me to no end.

Dear screen writers......WRITE YOUR OWN MOVIE.  Leave the book as is......

End rant.

Brave: Better late than never

We went to see Brave today.  Yup, we are adults.  Nope, no small kids.  Seriously, we just love these movies.  I have been looking forward to this one for months and months.  The number one appeal for me was that it is set in Scotland.  We both have tons of ancestry from Scotland. I was so excited that the bulk of the cast are Scottish.    
For the last few weeks, the blog world has been alive with talk of the movie.  Across the board, most of the bloggers responded very positive to the movie and the story line. 
We have a female protagonist.   She is strong and independent.  Both her parents are alive.  That is unheard of in this genre.  No dead mother, no evil step-mother, and no “ugly” step sisters.   Best of all, there is no prince waiting in the wings. 
The movie was visually gorgeous.  The music was fantastic.  The characters were rich, dynamic, and well rounded.  There is humor, tension, and adventure.  It is about the old ways and the new ways.  Tradition vs. “modern”.   This IS a movie about a mother and a daughter but ultimately, it is about listening.  Truly listening, not with ears, but with heart and soul. 
I loved every single second of this movie.  I loved the scenery, the characters, the accents, and the music.  But, the best part was the message.  It is one that will stick with me for a long time. 
There would be less conflict between mother and daughter, husband and wife, neighbor and neighbor, country and country if we took a moment:  stopped and heard what the other person is saying…..   This is not about right vs. wrong.  Appreciating another person’s thoughts, beliefs, or ideas is not about losing your own.  Open your heart, really and truly listen:  the life that changes may be your own.

Friday, July 06, 2012

To spank or not to spank: Kind of a personal question don't you think????

When I was three, I wanted piano lessons. The only place I would have gotten this notion was church. I was not allowed to watch any TV at that age. Our church had a pianist and an organist. My mother felt that I was far too young, but I was persistent. I asked daily for weeks. Reluctantly, she started asking around. No teacher was willing to take a three-year old.

She remembered an old friend from another church who was a long time piano teacher. She called hoping for a favor. Her friend would not take a student under the age of five. However, her daughter, sixteen-year old Michelle, had been talking about trying to give lessons to a select number of youngsters to earn summer spending money. She had been learning under the tutelage of her mother since the age of five. Her mom thought that she was ready for entry level teaching. Michelle was eager to have me as her first student. No one else thought I would last more than 2-weeks. Michelle had the optimism of a teenage girl, who can only see the promise the world has to offer.

I lasted three-years. One lesson for one hour each week. One hour of practice each day, seven-days a week. I played in every recital beside her mother’s students. I would have stayed longer, but Michelle went off to college. I moved on to other teachers. Three total, until I was nineteen.

When I was four, I wanted to go to school. All my friends were in school. I felt left out. I told my mother that I was ready. I do not remember thinking that I won a victory regarding the piano lessons and therefore would win this. Nevertheless, I am sure that I did have that in my mind. She told me I was too young, I persisted that I was ready. Finally, she went to a private school, Saint Paul’s Lutheran, and talked with the administration. She told them that I was far too young, but would they agree to let me attend kindergarten classes for the last two-months of the year. She again believed that I would last a few weeks.

Never in my life had I seen a worksheet. My mother read to me all the time. She would occasionally let me listen to phonics records. She never pushed any kind of formal learning on me. Still, I took to the worksheet like a duck to water. I worked through every single assignment faster than any other child. At the end of the two-months I completed more that ¾ of the entire years’ work. The school offered me a position in first grade.

Towards the end of first grade my mother approached the local elementary school to see about getting me into public school. My parents were supporters of public school. In addition, the school was very close to our house. The private school was all the way across town. The school said there was no way I could start in second grade. They proposed putting me in kindergarten. My mother was opposed to this and fought the school board to test me. The school agreed after much arguing. I honestly think they agreed just to shut my mother up.

However, I tested out extremely high in all areas except math. My reading compression was at a high school level. I was five. There were not many gifted programs around, but even if there were my mother would have put me in public school anyway. She wanted me to have a childhood. So, despite testing at high levels, I started public school in the second grade.

I continued through a normal school experience, except that I was more than a year younger than my peers. I continued to excel and test well in all subjects save math. Math was, and still is, my nemesis. Sometimes, I got lazy and did poorly on an assignment. In collage, I did not do well in a few classes. For the most part, I was an excellent student.

I was also involved in choir, band, drama, pep club, school paper, school poetry and short story publication, yearbook, and tall flags. I had a large group of friends from all walks of school life. I was the social butterfly. Friends with everyone. Broke up with your boyfriend, need to cry, find Bridget…she will get you through. Gay but don’t want to come out….need to talk, find Bridget…she will listen, not judge, and never tell.

Why am I telling you this? Did I wake up with the burning need to brag? Nope. I am telling you all this because of this.

This story was all over the news last week. I have read conflicting information from one source to another. Several stories said that the 806 children in the study were all from low income families. But, many other articles do not mention this. There is also an insinuation that spanking your child makes them socially awkward.

I was spanked as a child. Clearly, it did not effect my performance. Suggest to my friends that I am socially awkward, and they will laugh themselves silly.

I am upset by the fact that this study was presented at the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma conference. If we are talking about TRUE spanking, there is nothing violent, abusive, or traumatic about it. It was a punishment, therefore it hurt, but it was NEVER painful. Hurt is probably even to strong. Sting is more accurate. I always new exactly what I had done, and if I didn’t know my mother would discuss it with me calmly and rationally. She NEVER EVER spanked me when she was upset or angry.

I am upset that the researcher starts by talking about spanking then moves to calling it corporal punishment. In my mind, there is a difference between a few whacks across the behind and corporal punishment.

The researcher is the author of “Beating The Devil Out Of Them: Corporal Punishment In American Families And Its Effects On Children.” There is a huge difference between a true spanking and beating a child. Yet, it seems to the researcher that there is no difference. At least he never talks about a distinction.

I want to know more details of family life and outside trauma that happened to the children in the four-years of the study. You cannot tell me that the only factor was spanking. Well, you can tell me, but I am not going to believe you.

The researcher makes the following bold statement.

“It is time for psychologists to recognize the need to help parents end the use of corporal punishment and incorporate that objective into their teaching and clinical practice. It also is time for the United States to begin making the advantages of not spanking a public health and child welfare focus, and eventually enact federal no-spanking legislation,” he says.

There are so many issue facing our children. This man wants to make spanking the focus. I can think of many huge issues that face our children. Three being healthcare, education, and the environment. The United States need to focus on what is really important. Spanking is NOT it!

My final word, spanking is a personal decision. I have many friends who are very much against it. I have friends who believe in it. I have friends who can’t make up their minds. It is for the parents to decide and no one else.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nora Ephron: This is personal! She is my Walter Payton

My beloved husband was beyond fond of Walter Payton.  Walter was his hero.  Walter changed his life.  When Walter died I sat with him on the couch while he cried.  His hero, his mentor was gone.   

Nora Ephron is my Walter.

She is an important person in my life.  Her movies are among my all time favorites.  Her books are beloved.  I feel Bad About My Neck is one of my top five books.  It is THAT special.  

There are far to many quotes for me to post.  She was my sage, my guru, my mentor.  

I am distraught!

Monday, June 25, 2012

HELP ME, I have agreed with a Kardashian

I cannot stand the Kardashians.  I do not get the Kardashians.  Last year, I was home sick clicking through channels.  I came across an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.  I watched for five-minute, then my eyes started bleeding so I snatched up the remote to get the drivel off my TV!

SO, why am I about to defend Kris Jenner?  It truly pains me to say that I am going to defend her because I …agree with her on something.  It hurt to type that!

I came across a link to a video on TooFab. Kris Jenner Defends Giving Kim Birth Control at 14.

In the video, Kris talks about Kim coming to her and discussing her feelings about sexuality.  Kris does not go into each and every detail (a surprise to me as that is what I thought she and her family get paid to do).  The gist of the conversation is clear.  Kim was considering becoming sexually active.  Her relationship with her mother was obviously a close one.  Kris said she got in her car and drove as fast as possible to the family gynecologist, the doctor who delivered each of her children and her first grandchild.  Kris told the trusted family doctor what Kim was considering.  She then left Kim and the doctor to discuss everything that this decision entails. 

The outcome?  Birth control.  Kim has said that she was almost 15.  Kris said she was 15.  Critics say she was 14.  I say, who cares.  If she planned to have sex with someone nothing short of locking her in a closet was going to stop it.  

Kim’s parenting philosophy is healthy, happy, and educated.  Mine is too.  The revelation that I agree with something that came out of Kris Jenner’s mouth has not morphed me into a Kardashian fan.  Not! Happening!  Ever!!  Nevertheless, I do believe that a smart parent must be open to supporting their child 100%.  That means in the good choices and the questionable choices.  

I wanted my daughter to wait.  I was not a “thou shalt wait until marriage” kind of parent. 
I did want her to wait for THE one.  If not THE one then the really, really, MAYBE one.  I was smart enough to know that no matter what I wanted, no matter how much I talked to her about waiting, she was going to make the decision herself. 

I decided that I would climb out on to the tightrope and navigate over the white water rapids of parenting.  Telling my child what I believed was the right choice while at the same time keeping her safe.  That meant open discussions about sex.  I felt it important for her to be able to discuss anything with me without embarrassment, no matter the topic.  I knew this meant that there could be conversations that would be uncomfortable for me.  The trade off was, in my opinion, worth it.

Of course, I wanted her to avoid teen pregnancy.  Absolutely, I wanted her to avoid STDs.  However, there was something else I wanted her to avoid.  I did not want her to have a series of bad experiences that screwed up her adult sex life.

Believe me, none of this was easy.  I was determined to “do it better” than my mother.  For my mother there was one choice, abstinence until marriage. There was nothing to talk about.  She told me how it was going to be and she believed that I would comply.  She and I went to the obligatory mother/daughter "becoming a woman" talk when I was in middle school.  With that done, there was no more talk.  That was "the talk".  That's what I got.  I was woefully unprepared for sex.  I waited for what I thought was THE one.  Any "feelings" I had up until THE one were kept secret and private.  What happened next is a long story for another time.  Of all the things that THE one taught me, the worst was that any sexual "issues" were mine to deal with.  I came to think I was broken; incapable of experiencing any pleasure from the sex.  I really did not want that to happen to my daughter.

I started my daughter in birth control at 15 ½.  I also bought a box of condoms.  My directive to her was, I want you to wait, but I want you to be safe above all things.  No matter what, you must talk to me even if you think I will be upset or disappointed.  I vowed to her that for my part, I would always remain calm and I would always listen, even if I were upset or disappointed.  Throughout the next few years, she talked to me.  She asked questions.  She asked my opinion.  There were times I felt uncomfortable.  I kept up my end of the bargain and so did she.

She is now 23 and expecting her first child.  She is a happy and well-adjusted young woman.  I know she will be a great mom.  It is a boy, by the way.  My hope is that she will be open with her son.  I hope that she will take my philosophy, perfect it, and make it her own.  I hope that she sends her son into the world as prepared as possible to be a healthy, happy and educated person. 

I still cannot believe that I found anything that came from the mouth of a Kardashian valuable, let alone equal to my own beliefs.  I guess that proves that a broken clock is right twice a day.  I mean her, of course, and not me....I am right 24/7!  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I ain't got time to chew!

In 2008 a company called Plum Organics introduced food pouches for babies and tots.  I went to their website.  I'm not linking to it, so if you want to check it out you'll need to Google it.  At first glance, it looks like something fantastic.  No BPA, certified organic, earth friendly fruits and veggies.  However, when I take a deeper look, I see a disturbing trend.

This is not just a line of baby food.  It is also marketed to parents with toddlers. Toddlers with very busy lives.  These children are so busy that there is just no time for solid food.  The kiddies suck the mush in the pouch through a tube.  YUM.....not!!!

The man behind the mush, Mr. Grimmer, calls it "on-the-go snacking".  This article in The New York Times is filled with pithy little catch phrases and buzz words.  Maureen Putman, chief marketing officer of Hain Celestial Group, says
“As a child becomes more independent and wants to self-feed, the pouches are mom’s answer. They definitely give the child a little bit of control and confidence.”
I would love to know how sucking mush from a tube gives children confidence.

Neil Grimmer tries to latch on the free-range parenting convoy.  He really, really should have researched what free-range is all about before putting that out there.  If you, and your child, have a schedule that is so packed your only recourse to stave off starvation is a tube of goo, it is time to rethink your lifestyle.

 Karen le Billon.com makes some excellent points in her blog about these pouches.  How do we expect that our children will learn to eat healthy if they are still sucking mush at age four?  There are days when things are hectic and the help of a quick packaged food can be a life saver. Occasionally!

Free-Range Kids points out that having a schedule that is constantly so packed that a pouch of mush saves the day is the opposite of what free-range is all about.

If we don't watch out, we will become like the people in Wall-E.  Strapped to a hover chair, sucking goo, watching a screen.

Friday, June 22, 2012

One wrong + One wrong = Two wrongs

I have been following this story like many people from all over the world.  Unless you have just been rescued from a desert island, been living in a cave without Wi-Fi, or just immigrated from Mars, you have already heard about Karen Klein.

For the benefit of you island dwelling, cave squatting, Martians here is a recap.  Karen is a 68-year old grandmother from Greece, New York.  She is also a bus monitor for middle school kids.  She was doing her job when several boys started to taunt her.  One of the boys recorded a 10-minute video of the shameful event.  It is tough to watch.  The boys curse her, call her fat, and even physically threaten her.  The worst part is when one boy says that all her family killed themselves to get away from her.  In reality, her son did commit suicide 10-years ago.

Karen remains calm throughout the ordeal. She makes a few comments, but mostly tries to ignore it.

It is important to note that she is in the back of a full noisy bus.  She is far from the driver.

She says she does not believe that these are bad boys.  She says that one-on-one they are not like this.  It happens when they get together.  She opted to let it go.

Then why does the world know all about it?  Because one of the boys uploaded the video to You Tube.   It immediately went viral and in a flash it was all over the news.  The comments are plentiful and varied.  Some call out Karen herself for, what is called by some, a passive reaction.  The parents are vilified.  The school is inundated with calls and emails.

Karen is trust into the spotlight and one person starts a donation website.  He asks people to give so that Karen can go on a dream vacation.  He hopes for $5,000 in a month.  Friday afternoon the donations are at $545,000.  That is SOME vacation.  Southwest Airlines offered Karen and nine of her family a free trip to Disney World.  She has gotten cards, flowers, letters, and gifts from all over the world.

The school and the police vow punishment.  I do want to see severe consequences for these boys.  Karen thinks that all the boys should be banned from the bus and all sporting events.  I think that is not enough.  There needs to be more.

I will say, the fact that Karen will likely be a millionaire by Sunday is a SMASHING lesson to these little snots.  

But here is what I really HATE about this story.  At least one of the boys, and probably all of them, received thousands of death threats.  I will NEVER understand this kind of response.  It makes no sense to me.  Bullying a bully never accomplishes anything.  Aside from that, what happened to "let the punishment fit the crime"?  What happened to teaching children why something was wrong?  What happened to second chances?  What happened to "two wrongs don't make a right"?  When did the death penalty get assigned to everything?  (Including having an opinion.  A few weeks ago a Sports Illustrated model tweeted a negative opinion about Chris Brown and was immediately flamed with threats ranging from insults to menacing comment like, "I hope that you and your family are all raped and murdered.")
The boys and the parents all wrote apologies.  

Josh wrote,

 “I am so sorry for the way I treated you, when I saw the video, I was disgusted and could not believe I did that. I am sorry for being so mean and I will never treat anyone this way again.”
A second boy wrote,
“I feel really bad about what I did,” wrote Wesley. “I wish I had never done those things. If that had happened to someone in my family, like my mother or grandmother, I would be really mad at them.”

These boys did a terrible and dumb thing.  One boy, the You Tube one, did TWO.  But, they are thirteen.  There is time for them to learn, grow, and repent.  They have been humiliated.  They will be punished.  Is it too much to hope that this lesson will cause a dramatic shift in the course of their lives that leads them to become better humans?

Hope:  a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  

It is my expectation and desire that these boys learn from this.  I hope that they take this event through their lives and use it to change, not only themselves, but others.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hugs: optional

There were three things I saw on CNN today that sparked my interest.  I had a hard time choosing THE one.  I picked this CNN Article for today because it fit in the theme of my last post.  I have been thinking a lot about the helicopter parent verses the free-range patent.  I am certain that I fell somewhere in between.  AND remember I parented without the Internet :).  It is my opinion, that the Internet increased our fears by a factor of a million.  The Internet and 24-hour new saturation. 

The headline "I don't own my child's body" intrigued me.  I had no idea what to expect.  In short, the article centers on parents allowing their children to decide if they want to hug grandma or Auntie Cindy.  The author, Katia Hetter, believes kids should make that choice.
My favorite part of the article is this statement. 

"No, she doesn't have to. And just to be clear, there is no passive-aggressive, conditional, manipulative nonsense behind my statement. I mean what I say. She doesn't have to hug or kiss anyone just because I say so, not even me. I will not override my own child's currently strong instincts to back off from touching someone who she chooses not to touch."

That comment reminded me of Gavin de Becker's book The Gift of Fear.  Gavin's mission is to empower people to believe that true fear is a gift, unwanted fear is a curse and we should all learn how to tell the difference.  I will never forget when I saw Gavin on Oprah for the first time.  He said something that I will never forget. 

"We are the only creatures that sense danger and walk right into it."

Gavin says that we persuade ourselves to override our instinct because we do not want to appear rude.  This issue is especially chronic among woman.   By allowing her child to control who she does or does not kiss and hug, Katia is training her child to listen to her instinct. As she grows, she will learn to trust that little voice that tells her danger is near.  Of course, it is unlikely that grandma poses any threat to her granddaughter.  But the lesson this parenting technique is teaching may one day save her grandchild's life. 
Katia believes, and I agree, that this will also strengthen her child's self-esteem in other areas; including empowering her to own her sexuality. 

Make no mistake, Katie expects her child to remain respectful and polite.   That is not negotiable.
My mother did not opt for this parenting option.  Hugs were required.  Usually, I didn't mind.  However, my brother was consistently my exception.  Big Mike was 20-years older than me.  His nickname, Big Mike, was not a misnomer.  He was 6' 4", 400 pounds with long black hair and a big black beard.  Think, Hagrid. 
Big Mike was a long haul truck driver.  When he was in the area he would stop by.  He and my parents would sit at the table and talk while drinking gallons of coffee.  I would sit off in the corner, reading or playing.  

When it was time for Big Mike to leave, I was required to hug him.  I did not want to.  I resisted.  Think, BORG.  My brother was a wonderful person.  He never hurt anyone.  He never hurt me.  I don't know why I hated hugging him. Likely, it was that he was so very big and I was so very small.  But, my mother, unwittingly, sent me a message.  I didn't own my body.  It stunted my self-esteem.  Perhaps, it perpetuated my disastrous choice for a first husband (a long story for another day).

I propose that rather than worry every day about the possibility that our child may be kidnapped, perhaps we should worry more about equipping them with the tools to protect them throughout their entire lives.  

Tomorrow.....middle school kids bully an adult?  I am NOT kidding.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Raising grandma

I follow many blogs.  I have my top ten favorites that I make sure to check every day.  One of the blogs I never miss is Free-Range Kids.  If you are not familiar with Lenore Skenazy you can read more about her herehere, and here. If that's not enough type her name into Google and browse through tons of articles. She even has her own Wikipedia page.

In short, Lenore created a fire-storm in 2008 when she let her 9-year old son ride the New York Subway home unaccompanied.  Honestly, I don't remember reading the story back then.  I came to the Free-Range blog just this year.  It very quickly became a top favorite.  Lenore is smart, funny, and an excellent writer.

Yesterday, the blog caught my eye for something other than the post.  Yesterday, the comments ruled the day for me.  The post yesterday centered about a note sent to Lenore by a mother who identifies as being a Free-Range Kid, understands the theory, and supports raising Free-Range Kids.  However, listening to a John Walsh interview totally overrides all of that for her.  You can read Lenore's response in the post.

There were many comments directed at John Walsh, and those like him, implying that they make millions by instilling fear in parents.  I never thought about this before.  Has "child protection" crossed over to a money maker with little consideration to the children?  Don't get me wrong.  What happened to the Walsh family is horrific.  It changed parenting.

When I was a child my mother would send me to the toy aisle when we entered any store.  I was told to stay there until she came for me.  I was 16-years old when Adam died: Long past time to alter my mother's choices.  At 16, I was too young for Adam to affect my parenting.  However, John Walsh is a different story.  He had years to speak to me before my I had my child.

I struggled with fear as a parent.  I had KAM in 1989.  No internet. But plenty of TV.  20/20, Primetime, Nightline.  There was no shortage of opportunities to hear what the worst of humanity looks like.  It was easy to see monster's around every corner. I wanted to fight it.  I tried to fight it.  I likely failed as often as I succeeded.

I don't know if it is money that now motivates John Walsh.  I hope that it not true.  What I do know is that my child is expecting her first child.  She is asking me questions about parenting.  I want to give her the best advise possible.  I want to be a supportive parent and a fantastic grandmother.  Ultimately, she makes the choices regarding how she will parent.

I always plan a summer reading schedule. I re-read old favorites.  Sometimes, I pick a new series.  This year I picked four parenting book that caught my eye.  Free-range KidsFrench Kids Eat EverythingBringing up Bebe, and How do Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm.  I am looking forward to exploring parenting from the grandma side.  I'll let you know what I learn.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Never Seconds Update

This video of children from the Lirangwe School in Malawi thanking VEG and her "friends", (that's US folks) is so wonderful.  I just cannot stop watching it.  

VEG was back today talking about her lunch. Donations through VEG's Just Giving link are up to £87,630.23.  VEG announced that the school kitchen will be named Friends of Never Seconds.   
I did follow-up with a thank you email to “the council” I do hope that others did as well.
I intended to write about something else entirely today. However, I just had to share the wonderful thank you video. My other topic will have to wait until tomorrow, but here is a preview.   Tomorrow I want to talk about another blog I love, Free-Range Kids 

The blog, and subsequent comments, sparked a lot of thoughts.  Since my first grandchild arrives the end of August, I have been thinking a lot about raising children in today's world.   I'll talk more about that next time.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

When all else fails, sing about it.

Yesterday I posted this very long blog about being part of something special.  In the post, I mentioned that I have a problem listening to the universe when teaching points land in my path.  In fact, I down right suck at it.      This week, I listened and the results are chronicled in the very long blog about being part of something special.

I wanted to share with you all to what I was referring when I mentioned that I listened this time.

On June 12 I read this blog post . Jenny's laptop was stolen from her luggage while in the control of American Airlines. FYI, yes she knows it was not the best idea to put the laptop in her checked bag.  

 In turn, Jenny posted this

Dave Carroll's story captivated me.  After 8-months of fighting with United because baggage handlers willfully, and in front of many witnesses, broke his Taylor guitar he turned to social media for help. In four days he had 1-million hits, United Airlines stock dropped 10% for a loss of $180 million dollars, and United was forced to do the right thing.  Dave and his friends did this without any cursing, insults, or death threats.  It was a respectful campaign.  It was a successful campaign!  It inspired me and opened my mind to the possibilities.  

Two days later, I even shared the story with my boss and co-workers after a weekly staff meeting.  Dave's story was fresh in my mind later that evening when I read that the Argyll and Bute Council banned a 9-year old girl in Scotland from posting pictures of her school lunches and blogging about it.  In less than 24-hours her followers, including me, successfully convinced "the council" to reverse that decision.

Dave Carroll's mission started two-years ago yet his message is still making a difference.  His video has over 12 million views.  He also wrote a book about it. It is still early in the story of VEG and her Never Seconds Blog.  Who knows where this tale will go.  I heard an unofficial report that the donations to Mary's Meals through VEG's blog is up to 100,000 pounds.  I am sure VEG will update us tomorrow.  Regardless, Mary's Meals has received outstanding free press.

I cannot wait to see where we go from here.

Oh, I got a bonus from all this.  My sister read the blog and called me.  We live a long distance away from each other and we don't talk enough.  It was great to talk to her about something so uplifting.  I love you 3M.

***Update.  VEG's total giving is currently at £81,086.00 in total donations.  That is a mind blowing 1158@ above her initial goal!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A small part in a BIG event: Or, how I found my voice

 A short while ago, I stumbled upon a blog written by a 9-year old girl, nicknamed VEG.  I have since learned her real name, as has the entire world. More on that later. I’m not going to use it though because to me she is VEG.

I do not recall how I heard about the blog http://neverseconds.blogspot.com/.  I think it was an article on CNN.  I’m not sure though.  I was enchanted by this amazing young lady and I started following her.  I added her to my igoogle and moved her right up to the top, just under my beloved niece and nephew-in-law, so I would always remember to read her posts.
She started the blog with the encouragement of her dad.  She had been having discussions with him about her school lunches.  Firstly, there was not enough food, secondly, it was not great food, and lastly, it was not healthy food.  I forgot to mention, VEG lives in Scotland. 

VEG and her dad decided that it would be fun to blog about this situation.  She planned to take a picture of her lunch and then apply a formula to rate the lunch.
·         Food-o-meter- Out of 10 a rank of how great my lunch was!
·         Mouthfuls- How else can we judge portion size!
·         Courses- Starter/main or main/dessert
·         Health Rating- Out of 10, can healthy foods top the food-o-meter?
·         Price- Currently £2 I think, its all done on a cashless catering card
·         Pieces of hair- It wont happen, will it?

In April she started but was plagued with technical difficulties, mostly camera problems.  In May she was off and running.  On May 9 her blog has 25,000 hits.  This, in and of itself, was a huge accomplishment for a 9-year old talking about her school lunch.  Jamie Oliver even found out about it and he tweeted VEG’s dad.   At this point, let me take a side note to answer the question asked regarding “Pieces of hair” – Yes, Yes it will happen.

VEG was enchanting people from all over the world and many started sending her pictures of their school lunches.  Kids, teachers, and parents were all participating.  VEG’s awesome father took this as an opportunity to teach.  Once VEG choose the picture she planned to use for the day he would have her find the place on the globe.  She always tells us how many seconds it took to find the place.
On May 17 Jamie Oliver sent her an autographed copy of one of his books.  Also VEG’s dad met with “the council” (remember them, they come back later) and confirmed that the kids were allowed unlimited salad, fruit, and bread.   I remember when I read that post thinking, “Why wouldn’t” the council” make sure that everyone knew that?”  OH, on May 10 VEG has 105,000 hits.  These hit counts are going to become very important later, trust me.  On May 23, http://neverseconds.blogspot.com/ reached 1 million hits.
This little blog, written by a 9-year old, living in Scotland, talking about what she ate for lunch at school has ONE MILION hits.  In a few short weeks this little lady grabbed attention from all over the world.  She is not just talking about her lunch.  She is raising awareness about what we feed our kids.  She is not “just a kid”, she is now an activist.  VEG has made a difference because now her friends know they can eat as much salad, fruit, and bread as they need in order to feel satisfied; in order to go back to the class rooms and have enough energy to concentrate and learn.  Happy ending, let’s move on to the next fun thing, shall we?

Wait,not so fast.

Her family has long been supportive of a Scottish charity called http://www.marysmeals.org.uk/.  This organization uses no advertising and relies on word of mouth so more of each dollar can help a child.  I have a lot to say about Mary’s Meals, but this is a story about VEG so please follow the link and learn about this amazing charity!  VEG responded to several comments on her blog saying that she was lucky to have lunch at all by starting her own campaign to help starving children.  She asked her wonderful readers to give to Mary’s Meals.  She put a button on her blog so it would be easy to give.  VEG set a goal of 7000 pounds that would go to a school in Malawi.  She kept track of the donations and provided updates on each blog.  She would tell us what percentage of a kitchen and how many children the money would provide. 

Let’s recap; in a matter of week’s she-

·         Impacted her school by raising awareness about the food they are allowed to eat
·         Found followers all over the world and joined virtually with the likes of Michelle Obama and Jamie Oliver and sparked more dialog regarding what we are, or are not, feeding our children
·         Joined with a charity to feed starving children.

This brings us to June 14 when VEG posted this http://neverseconds.blogspot.com/2012/06/goodbye.html
“The council”, not the school mind you, “the council” ordered her teacher to tell VEG she can no longer take pictures of her food.  She was devastated.  I was devastated.  The other 34,000+ followers were devastated.  In seconds, I knew what I wanted to do.  I suspected a large number of the other followers were thinking the same thing.  This is unacceptable and we are going to change it!  I found the email for the Argyll and Bute Council and I sent them this –

I want you to know that I feel your decision to ban 9-year old VEG from posting photos of her lunches on the blog Never Seconds is appalling. There is only one motivation for this decision; self-preservation. She is eloquent, smart, engaging, generous, and passionate. The world has been enjoying reading her colorful blog. How refreshing it has been to see someone this young find her voice and discover she can make a difference. Did you even pay attention to the money she is raising for charity???
What do you think you accomplished with this decision?
I fully expect you to be shocked by the feedback you get from this as you are clearly out of touch. I hope you learn from this mistake! On Monday morning, I fully expect to see a blog post from darling Veg. I want to read a post that tells us you apologized to her for your short-sightedness. I want to read that each of you on the council made personal donations to Mary’s Meals. I want to hear that you restored some of her innocence and some of her faith (although you all must live with the knowledge you took something from her today that she will never get back).
You made a terrible mistake today. Fix it!
Bridget McArthur
47-year old mother of 3 from Minnesota USA

I absolutely believed “we” were going to fix this.  There was no doubt in my mind.  My only concern was that sometimes people go over the top in situations like this, and over the top loses the message every time.  When I first got home on June 14 and read the post there were 157 comments.  At bed time there were 586.  The next day at lunch there were 1700+ and the blog had over 3 million hits.  At 2:50 PM I found this article on CNN http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/15/world/europe/uk-school-dinner-blog/index.html?hpt=hp_t3.  I was fist pumping for all I was worth as I read through the article.  I was whisper screaming yes, yes, yes we did it.  And then my eyes fell on this –

The response from some of Martha's more than 34,000 followers was swift, with more than 1,100 comments by lunchtime local time Friday.
Bridget McArthur, a 47-year-old mother of three from Minnesota, said she had personally e-mailed Argyll and Bute Council demanding a change of heart.
"I want you to know that I feel your decision to ban 9-year old VEG from posting photos of her lunches on the blog Never Seconds is appalling," she wrote. "There is only one motivation for this decision; self-preservation. She is eloquent, smart, engaging, generous, and passionate. The world has been enjoying reading her colorful blog. How refreshing it has been to see someone this young find her voice and discover she can make a difference. Did you even pay attention to the money she is raising for charity?"

Holy Stars.  That is my name.  My name is on CNN.  That is not just my name.  That is my email.  My email is on CNN.  I AM ON CNN. I admit it, I geeked WAY out about it. There was jumping and squeeging and making others read the article.  My heart pounded.  My hands were shaking.  I indulged in about an hour of selfish excitement that was all about me. 

I came back down and remembered that “we” used social media to respectfully correct an injustice.  “We” won VEG’s voice back.  “We” penetrated bureaucracy in less than 24-hours.  WOW!  I spent several more hours enjoying the exhilaration of being a very small part in this moment.  It was really fun.

Then I started to ponder the bigger picture.  There is a lot to think about here.  One of my co-workers asked what caused me to start following VEG in the first place.  Until that moment, I had not thought about it.  It only took me a few seconds to realize it was because at 9-years old she found her voice.  I put that in my email to “the council”.  Now suddenly, it struck me as the core reason VEG fascinates me.  Most of us never find our voice.  We live out our lives never finding out we can make a difference.  There are people who find it later in life.  I’ve met some.  Once they find it, their lives are changed forever.  VEG found it at 9.  If we all found our voice at that age, can you imagine how amazing this world would be? VEG is all of the things I put in my email to “the council”.  She is eloquent, smart, engaging, generous, and passionate.  She enchanted me from the first blog post and she continues to inspire me.  However, she is more than that to me.  To me, personally, she is a teacher.  I live my life wishing I had a voice.  I feel envious of people I see making a difference.  I think about and talk about all the ways the world could be better.  There is just one thing I don’t do.  I don’t actual go out and MAKE a difference. 

VEG gave me a gift.  She touched my heart, she inspired me and she taught me.  I can make a difference! 

BTW last count http://neverseconds.blogspot.com raised £45,889.46 for http://www.marysmeals.org.uk/.  A school in Malawi can have an amazing kitchen and feed thousands of kids.  I have a feeling that number will keep going up.  VEG’s blog has 5,086,608, no 9, no 10…since I started typing that 5,086,726…..hits.  It is changing so fast you cannot keep up with it.  I cannot wait to read what she posts on Monday.
I am going to follow-up with “the council”.  I’m going to send them another email and thank them for hearing us and doing the right thing.  It feels like the right thing to do.  I also learned another lesson through all this.  The universe will put things in your path to open your mind and teach.  You have to pay attention. I frequently don’t.  This time I did.  But, more on that another day.

SO, thank you VEG, you taught me a lot.   

I am ready to start using my voice.